Meet the Electis Team

At Electis, we are united by a common mission: to foster a more accessible and transparent democracy through innovative technology. Our team comprises a diverse group of passionate individuals from various sectors - be it public, private, or academic. 

Gilles Mentré


Franck Nouyrigat



Etienne Guyonnet

Head of operations

Paul Curutchet

Business Developer

Lenaïg Paillart

Customer Success Manager

Shane OConnell

Marketing Consultant

Ficara Olivia

Legal Advisor

Thomas Mignot


Vale Ferreira

UX/UI Designer

Alexander Madenholm

International Strategy

Each member brings a unique perspective and a wealth of experience to the table, enabling us to continuously push the boundaries of what’s possible in e-governance. Through a blend of expertise, creativity, and a shared vision, we are not just embracing the future of democratic engagement, we are shaping it. Join us on this exciting journey as we work together to redefine the landscape of digital democracy.